eBook: By God'S Authority: By Faith, Dreams Can Come True (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kathryn 
分類: Biography: science, technology & medicine ,
Medicine: general issues ,
Medical profession  
書城編號: 21142094

原價: HK$62.00
現售: HK$58.9 節省: HK$3.1

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製造商: WestBow Press
出版日期: 2013/07/12
頁數: 432
ISBN: 9781449799328
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In addition to being born high-spirited, inquisitive and stubborn, Kathryn was also her parents worst nightmare. She was ill from the day she was born. Her parents were unable to find any physician or surgeon who could find the root cause of her pain. The present medical profession had just begun to evolve at the time of her birth, as x-rays were still being read by holding them up to a ceiling light. Political correctness had not yet become a part of how the medical profession treated their patients or the parents of an ill child. The science of medical equipment and the repercussions from the physical symptoms of an ill individual progressed slowly. For within the human body, there were organs that could not yet be seen. That would change, under God, in the United States of America. One of the beneficiaries of that change would be a girl named Kathryn
Kathryn 作者作品表

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eBook: Banda's Diamond (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: By God'S Authority: By Faith, Dreams Can Come True (DRM EPUB)

eBook: (True?) Story of Eustace the Monk (DRM EPUB)

eBook: By God's Authority: ".....If Snow Flakes Can Climb....." (DRM EPUB)

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