eBook: Beyond (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Robert Harvey 
分類: Historical fiction  
書城編號: 21161754

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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製造商: Xlibris Us
出版日期: 2010/10/26
頁數: 557
ISBN: 9781453590126
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The story begins Norway in the year 1000AD. After Training and a voyage across the North Atlantic, two young After Training and a voyage across the North Atlantic, two young Norsemen, one a Chieftain of a village in Greenland and his best friend a Viking Medicine Man fi nd themselves stranded on the Northeast coast of North America, in what is now the New England States of the United States.
Robert Harvey 作者作品表

The Rhetoric of Manipulation: Unmasking Semantic Perversions (Paperback)

The Rhetoric of Manipulation: Unmasking Semantic Perversions (Hardcover)

Amache: The Story of Japanese Internment in Colorado During World War II (0003) (Paperback)

Amache: The Story of Japanese Internment in Colorado During World War II (Paperback)

After Break Up: How to get your Ex back in just 30 days using these magic system (Paperback)

Photographing Wiltshire: The Most Beautiful Places to Visit (Paperback)

Night Sky: Stargazing with the Naked Eye (Hardcover)

eBook: Short History of Communism (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Few Bloody Noses (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cochrane: The Fighting Captain (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Romantic Revolutionary: Simon Bolivar and the Struggle for Independence in Latin America (DRM EPUB)

Witnessness (Paperback)

eBook: Beyond (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mavericks (DRM EPUB)

eBook: War of Wars: The Epic Struggle Between Britain and France: 1789-1815 (DRM EPUB)

Mavericks (Hardcover)

War of Wars (Paperback)

Amache: The Story of Japanese Internment in Colorado During World War II (Hardcover)

Cochrane (Paperback)

eBook: Portugal: Birth of a Democracy (DRM PDF)

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