eBook: Make: Bicycle Projects: Upgrade, Accessorize, and Customize with Electronics, Mechanics, and Metalwork (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: John Baichtal 
分類: Robotics ,
Transport technology & trades  
書城編號: 21176197

售價: $91.00

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製造商: Make Community, LLC
出版日期: 2015/08/06
頁數: 136
ISBN: 9781457186394
>> 相關實體書

What is a bicycle? The answer is a little trickier than you might think. More than just a form of transportation, your bike is a framework on which you can explore and display your own inventiveness.With a full history of the bicycle and information about commercial mods such as adding baby seats and fenders--as well as instruction on wheels, tires, and regular maintenance--this book gives you the tools and ideas to hack your ride your own way.You'll not only find out how to strip down your bike so that you can actually put it back together again, but you'll create a complete bike hacker's workbench, ready for any idea you might have!In Make: Bicycle Projects, you'll learn to:Add EL wire, LEDs, and NEOPixels for cool nighttime travelInstall a SpokePOV kit to see things only your bike seesAdd a DIY Smartphone Rig that keeps you connectedPaint your bike so that it stays paintedTurn your geared steed into a fixieWeld and braze your frameMake a rad chopperLet the sun power your projectsGive an audio component to your frame for alarms, horns, and just making noiseHaul cargo in a basket or mini-trailerTurn your ride into a veritable party trailer replete with color organ!
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eBook: Make: Bicycle Projects: Upgrade, Accessorize, and Customize with Electronics, Mechanics, and Metalwork (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Make: Bicycle Projects: Upgrade, Accessorize, and Customize with Electronics, Mechanics, and Metalwork (DRM PDF)

Maker Pro (Paperback)

Arduino for Beginners (Paperback)

eBook: Arduino for Beginners: Essential Skills Every Maker Needs (DRM PDF)

Make: LEGO and Arduino Projects (Paperback)

Basic Robot Building with Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 (Paperback)

Cult of LEGO (Paperback)

Hack This (Paperback)

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