eBook: Betrayal of the Cloak (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Scott Stanley 
分類: Crime & mystery  
書城編號: 21176907

原價: HK$78.00
現售: HK$74.1 節省: HK$3.9

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製造商: Abbott Press
出版日期: 2014/03/05
頁數: 274
ISBN: 9781458214607
>> 相關實體書

Former Navy JAG officer Charlotte Morris is hit by tragedy when her English grandmother, who is her closest friend, dies unexpectedly. Now, Charley must travel to Britain and sort out the details of her grandmothers estate. But what begins as a routine trip soon takes a dangerous turn when Charley uncovers startling new information. Her grandmother held a secret that Charley now claims as her ownone that points to a centuries-old mystery that could rewrite American history. Charleys mundane life as a government attorney is turned upside-down when she and two friends embark on the pursuit for a fortune in missing gold. Charley has become a treasure hunter, and her adventure takes her from London to New York and even to her quaint childhood home in Connecticut. Soon the three friends find themselves in serious danger and the victims of a treacherous and sinister twist. Will they find the goldor become victims of its cursed past?
Scott Stanley 作者作品表

STAR Projects INIQUITY - TRINITY - THE LAW (Paperback)

STAR Projects INIQUITY - TRINITY - THE LAW (Hardcover)

eBook: Financial Management in Hotels: A Practice Guide for Undergraduates, Owners and Employees (DRM PDF)

eBook: Logic and Critical thinking (DRM PDF)

eBook: Betrayal of the Cloak (DRM EPUB)

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