eBook: Dump Man's Treasures (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lynn Plourde, Mary Beth Owens 
分類: Children's / Teenage fiction & true stories ,
General fiction (Children's / Teenage) ,
Romance & relationships stories (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 21198262

售價: $156.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Down East Books
出版日期: 2008/05/06
頁數: 32
ISBN: 9781461743675
>> 相關實體書

Mr. Pottle, who oversees the town dump, cannot bear to destroy books, so he recycles them for the community to enjoy. When Mr. Pottle falls and the community's children deliver books to him to speed his recovery, they discover the book-loving dump man cannot read. A town full of willing tutors then teaches Mr. Pottle to read so he can fully enjoy his treasures. An enjoyable story, it also delivers a heartwarming message.
Lynn Plourde 作者作品表

Best Buddies (Board book)

Best Buddies (Board Books)

eBook: Man Who Saved Books (DRM PDF)

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Best Buddies (Hardcover)

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Choo Choo Trains (Paperback)

Only Cows Allowed! (hardcover)

Dino Pets Go to School

Field Trip Day

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The Dump Man's Treasures (Hardcover)

Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud (Hardcover)

The First Feud (Hardcover)

eBook: First Feud (DRM EPUB)

還有... [顯示所有作品]

Mary Beth Owens 作者作品表

eBook: Hawksbill Promise: The Journey of an Endangered Sea Turtle (Tilbury House Nature Book) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Caribou Alphabet (Tilbury House Nature Book) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Caribou Alphabet (DRM PDF)

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