eBook: Tokyo Tuttle Travel Pack: Your Guide to Tokyo's Best Sights for Every Budget (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Rob Goss 
系列: Tuttle Travel Guide & Map
分類: Travel & holiday guides ,
書城編號: 21210468

原價: HK$181.00
現售: HK$171.95 節省: HK$9.05

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製造商: Tuttle Publishing
出版日期: 2014/11/18
頁數: 96
ISBN: 9781462916306
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The only guide you'll need for getting around Tokyo! Everything you need is in this one convenient Japan travel guideincluding a large pull-out map! For travelers who want to experience everything Tokyo has to offer, look no further than Tokyo Tuttle Travel Pack. From strolling the winding alleys of the city's traditional neighborhoods to exploring its ultra-modern,neon-soaked streets, this comprehensive Tokyo guide delivers it all. Readers will learn where to enjoy the finest Japanese cuisine and cutting-edge contemporary art, centuries-old temples and gleaming modern architecture, and all of the other wonderful elements that make Tokyo the world's most mesmerizing city.If visitors want to leave behind the urban sprawl, travel writer Rob Goss points them toward the ancient seaside capital of Kamakura and the gilded mausoleums at Nikko. Ambitious hikers can climb Mount Fujior just enjoy it from a distance while soaking in one of the natural hot spring baths in nearby Hakone. Easy to use and easy to carry, this guidebook provides a useful pull-out map of Tokyo and is organized into four simple chapters:Tokyo's Best Sights highlights thirteen not-to-be-missed experiencesExploring Tokyo guides readers to the top attractions in each districtAuthor's Recommendations details the best hotels and restaurants, night spots, kid-friendly activities, shopping areas, and moreTravel Facts provides essential information from useful Japanese phrases to money, transports, visas, and much more.
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Rob Goss 作者作品表

Japan Travel Guide and Map Tuttle Travel Pack (Paperback)

eBook: Japan Traveler's Companion: Japan's Most Famous Sights From Okinawa to Hokkaido (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Japan Traveler's Companion: Japan's Most Famous Sights From Okinawa to Hokkaido (DRM PDF)

Japan Traveler's Companion (Hardcover)

Japanese Inns and Hot Springs (Paperback)

eBook: Kyoto and Nara Tuttle Travel Pack Guide + Map: Your Guide to Kyoto's Best Sights for Every Budget (DRM EPUB)

Kyoto and Nara Tuttle Travel Pack Guide + Map (Paperback)

eBook: Tokyo - Capital of Cool: Tokyo's Most Famous Sights from Asakusa to Harajuku (DRM PDF)

eBook: Tokyo - Capital of Cool: Tokyo's Most Famous Sights from Asakusa to Harajuku (DRM EPUB)

Tokyo (Hardcover)

eBook: Tokyo Tuttle Travel Pack: Your Guide to Tokyo's Best Sights for Every Budget (DRM PDF)

eBook: Tokyo Tuttle Travel Pack: Your Guide to Tokyo's Best Sights for Every Budget (DRM EPUB)

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