eBook: Adventures in Asian Art: An Afternoon at the Museum (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sue DiCicco 
分類: Art: general interest (Children's / Teenage) ,
Interest age: from c 4 years ,
書城編號: 21210683

原價: HK$104.00
現售: HK$98.8 節省: HK$5.2

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製造商: Tuttle Publishing
出版日期: 2016/11/22
頁數: 48
ISBN: 9781462918706
>> 相關實體書

Ride on a rhino, enter a mandala, or climb Mt. Fuji! Asia is an entire world of wonderful places to go and things to see and do! Exploring other cultures is a favorite classroom activity for teachers and students alike. Now, author Sue DiCicco draws on her background as a writer, illustrator, sculptor, and former Disney animator to take kids on an imaginative tour of China, Japan, Korea, India, and beyond through artifacts on display at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. Adventures in Asian Art travels from exhibit to exhibit, inviting kids to picture themselves in a variety of Asian countries as they ride on a rhino, become a samurai, or climb Mt. Fuji! Asia is home to an endless array of wonderful places to go and things to see and do, and through the magic of DiCicco's charming verse narrative, readers join a cartoon mom as she takes her three cartoon children through the museum for an afternoon of nonstop fun and learning. This delightfully illustrated, classroom-friendly book shares a series of fun facts about each of the exhibits and explains the culture, beliefs, and daily life informing these wonderful works of art.
Sue DiCicco 作者作品表

The Complete Story of Sadako Sasaki (paperback)

eBook: Origami Peace Cranes: Friendships Take Flight: Includes Story & Instructions to make a Crane (Proceeds Support Peace Crane Project) (DRM PDF)

eBook: Origami Peace Cranes: Friendships Take Flight: Includes Story & Instructions to make a Crane (Proceeds Support Peace Crane Project) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Adventures in Asian Art: An Afternoon at the Museum (DRM PDF)

eBook: Adventures in Asian Art: An Afternoon at the Museum (DRM EPUB)

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