eBook: Daniel Sage and the False Dragon (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Emily Temple 
分類: Fantasy  
書城編號: 21245026

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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製造商: Xlibris Us
出版日期: 2009/02/26
頁數: 128
ISBN: 9781469103655
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The lands of Moura and Parenadra have seen dangerous times before, but always had the dragon riders to defend the justice of the world. But one rider turned to darkness, and slowly the people who once faithfully looked to the skies in times of trouble began to doubt the loyalty of riders. Now as the evil queen known only as Amora rises to control the world, with the dragon riders exiled from the people who once loved them and living in hiding, there is no one to defend when armies sweep Moura. But hope is found when the riders are called again by their brethren to return, and a new king is found to a once-powerful nation all but lost. And hope is found in an unlikely king who once dreamed of riding the skies on a dragon of his very own. When his wish comes true, Daniel Sage and his dragon Leafwing (with a fiery attitude despite an inability to create fire) set off on a quest to defend their world from certain doom. Along the way they befriend nymphs, battle giant birds, and learn that you must become who you were always meant to be-- even if its the last person you want to. But darkness lies before Daniel. His parents die, he must leave behind his sister, and he must face the terrible truth-- that Amora holds a shocking connection to him.
Emily Temple 作者作品表

The Lightness (Paperback)

Lightness (Hardcover)

Lightness (Hardcover)

eBook: Lightness (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Daniel Sage and the False Dragon (DRM EPUB)

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