eBook: Great Day Hikes on North Carolina's Mountains-to-Sea Trail (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, Jim Grode 
系列: Southern Gateways Guides
分類: Walking, hiking, trekking ,
Travel & holiday guides ,
Southeastern & South Atlantic states ,
North Carolina  
書城編號: 21252895

售價: $247.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: The University of North Carolina Press
出版日期: 2020/02/18
頁數: 248
ISBN: 9781469654867
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The Mountains-to-Sea Trail is an 1,175-mile destination trail that crosses North Carolina from Clingmans Dome in Great Smoky Mountains National Park to Jockey's Ridge State Park on the Outer Banks. It traverses 37 counties, 7 national parks and forests, and nearly a dozen state parks and historic sites. This is the first-ever guide to day hikes along the crown jewel of North Carolina foot trails. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or new to the outdoors, this official guide from Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail is your go-to companion for exploring all the trail has to offer, showcasing everything from scenic mountain vistas to surprising escapes in the state's Piedmont region and the wonders of coastal plain pocosins. Features include- 40 hikes carefully chosen to appeal to hikers of all experience levels- Helpful hike finder feature to identify the perfect hikes for birding, waterfalls, history, universal accessibility, and more - Turn-by-turn guidance and key points of interest for each hike- Full-color maps and photographs- Helpful information about the trail's history and ongoing development
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