eBook: How Not to Be Weird (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Dawn McNiff 
分類: Classic fiction (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 21258019

原價: HK$65.00
現售: HK$61.75 節省: HK$3.25

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製造商: Bonnier Publishing Fiction
出版日期: 2016/04/07
頁數: 272
ISBN: 9781471403743
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Woody wants to get un-weird - and fast! And he'll find help in the most unlikely of places.Woody is forever worried about being different. He thinks himself weird and a bit of a wuss, and two bullies Della and Casey make sure he doesn't forget that. It doesn't help that his mum is slightly bonkers. She dresses up as a sheep for a living - mostly for her job as a children's entertainer. And not to mention the fact that she forces Woody to wear old granny jumpers that she finds down the local charity shop. Gooner the dog doesn't help either, always getting Woody in some awkward, smelly and rather messy situations! But Woody's got a plan to get unweird - and fast! Just in time for his first day at secondary school. He starts off with some rules . . . 'Don't listen to Mum about anything to do with your life, ever'. . .and. . .'don't wear old lady clothes'. And with the help of his way more normal, yet rather extravagant GlamMa and the discovery of his Dad's peculiar lucky charm, he soon finds a new sense of charm, un-weirdness and a heap load of shenanigans come his way!
Dawn McNiff 作者作品表

Let's Play, Daddy Bear! A Bloomsbury Young Reader: Purple Book Band (Paperback)

Smiley Eyes, Smiley Faces: A lift-the-flap face-mask book (Board book)

Love from Alfie McPoonst, The Best Dog Ever (Paperback)


Love from Alfie McPoonst, The Best Dog Ever (Hardcover)

Hopscotch Twisty Tales: Chicken Tricken (Paperback)

Worry Magic (Paperback)

Chicken Tricken (Hardcover)

How Not to be Weird (Paperback)

eBook: How Not to Be Weird (DRM EPUB)

Little Celeste (Paperback)

Mummy's Little Monster (Paperback)

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