eBook: Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago: Fantasy Wargames in the Lost Isles (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: McCullough Joseph A. McCullough, Burmak Dmitry Burmak, Burmak Kate Burmak 
系列: Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago
分類: Fantasy ,
Military history ,
Warfare & defence ,
Role-playing, war games & fantasy sports  
書城編號: 21263379

售價: $182.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2017/10/19
頁數: 136
ISBN: 9781472817358
>> 相關實體書

The Ghost Archipelago has returned. A vast island chain, covered in the ruins of ancient civilizations, the Archipelago appears every few centuries, far out in the southern ocean. At such times, pirates, adventurers, wizards, and legendary heroes all descend upon the islands in the hopes of finding lost treasures and powerful artefacts. A few, drawn by the blood of their ancestors, search for the fabled Crystal Pool, whose waters grant abilities far beyond those of normal men. It is only the bravest, however, who venture into the islands, for they are filled with numerous deadly threats. Cannibal tribes, sorcerous snake-men, and poisonous water-beasts all inhabit the island ruins, guarding their treasure hordes and setting traps for the unwary. In this new wargame, set in the world of Frostgrave, players take on the role of Heritors, mighty warriors whose ancestors drank from the Crystal Pool. These Heritors lead their small, handpicked teams of spellcasters, rogues, and treasure hunters into the ever-shifting labyrinth of the Ghost Archipelago. Using the same rules system as Frostgrave, this standalone wargame focuses on heroes who draw on the power in their blood to perform nigh-impossible feats of strength and agility. This game also includes 30 spells drawn from five schools of magic, a host of soldier types, challenging scenarios, treasure tables, and a full bestiary of the most common creatures that inhabit the Lost Isles.
Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago

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eBook: Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago: Fantasy Wargames in the Lost Isles (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago: Fantasy Wargames in the Lost Isles (DRM PDF)

McCullough Joseph A. McCullough 作者作品表

eBook: Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago: Tales of the Lost Isles (DRM PDF)

eBook: Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago: Tales of the Lost Isles (DRM EPUB)

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