eBook: Running Overload (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Jake Maddox, Berenice Muniz, Tina Francisco 
分類: Sporting stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Comic strip fiction / graphic novels (Children's / Teenage) ,
Designed / suitable for UK curricula & examinations ,
For National Curriculum Key Stage 2 ,
For National Curriculum Key Stage 3 ,
Interest age / level ,
Interest age: from c 8 years  
書城編號: 21282688

原價: HK$76.00
現售: HK$72.2 節省: HK$3.8

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Capstone Global Library
出版日期: 2020/11/26
ISBN: 9781474797085
>> 相關實體書

Nimo Mohamed has made the cross-country team and she's determined to keep up with the older girls. So she's training harder than ever, maybe too hard. Soon the runner's grades at school are tumbling, her running times are slipping and her body is completely exhausted. Can Nimo learn to pace herself and stop this running overload? With its high-stakes sports story with an exciting full-colour comic format, this Graphic Novel is a winner for young readers.
Jake Maddox 作者作品表

Wrestling Rivals (Paperback)

Track Troubles (Paperback)

Wrestling Rivals (Hardcover)

Track Troubles (Hardcover)

Horseback Hardships (Hardcover)

Rock 'n' Goal (Hardcover)

Rock 'n' Goal (Paperback)

Horseback Hardships (Paperback)

Batter Power-Up! (Paperback)

Live and Let Dive (Paperback)

Gymnastics Challenge (Paperback)

Dance Duo (Paperback)

Puck Panic (Paperback)

Skate Park Plans (Paperback)

Side-Splitting Soccer Jokes and Puns (Paperback)

Gut-Busting Basketball Jokes and Puns (Paperback)

Hilarious Dance, Cheer, and Gymnastics Jokes and Puns (Hardcover)

Side-Splitting Soccer Jokes and Puns (Hardcover)

Hilarious Dance, Cheer, and Gymnastics Jokes and Puns (Paperback)

Lacrosse Clash (Paperback)

還有... [顯示所有作品]

Berenice Muniz 作者作品表

Keeping Football in the Family (Hardcover)

Keeping Football in the Family (Paperback)

Sixth Man Surprise (Hardcover)

Sixth Man Surprise (Paperback)

Trust on Thin Ice (Hardcover)

Trust on Thin Ice (Paperback)

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