eBook: Militarized Global Apartheid (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Besteman Catherine Besteman 
系列: Global Insecurities
分類: Sociology ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography  
書城編號: 21302961

售價: $337.00

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製造商: Duke University Press
出版日期: 2020/10/23
頁數: 205
ISBN: 9781478013006
>> 相關實體書

In Militarized Global Apartheid Catherine Besteman offers a sweeping theorization of the ways in which countries from the global north are reproducing South Africa's apartheid system on a worldwide scale to control the mobility and labor of people from the global south. Exploring the different manifestations of global apartheid, Besteman traces how militarization and securitization reconfigure older forms of white supremacy and deploy them in new contexts to maintain this racialized global order. Whether using the language of security, military intervention, surveillance technologies, or detention centers and other forms of incarceration, these projects reinforce and consolidate the global north's political and economic interests at the expense of the poor, migrants, refugees, Indigenous populations, and people of color. By drawing out how this new form of apartheid functions and pointing to areas of resistance, Besteman opens up new space to theorize potential sources of liberatory politics.
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Besteman Catherine Besteman 作者作品表

eBook: Militarized Global Apartheid (DRM PDF)

eBook: Making Refuge: Somali Bantu Refugees and Lewiston, Maine (DRM PDF)

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