eBook: Creative Destruction: Science Fiction Stories (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Edward M. Lerner 
書城編號: 21306965

售價: $52.00

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製造商: Wildside Press LLC
出版日期: 2015/06/24
頁數: 284
ISBN: 9781479406166

CREATIVE DESTRUCTION presents 8 science fiction stories -- including two short novels -- by bestselling author Edward M. Lerner. All deal with the future of technology and computing. The author writes: "Computing is mere decades young, a set of technologies we have scarcely begun to develop. It's already been quite a ride. Now: Imagine every gadget around you becoming ever faster, cheaper, tinier, more interconnected, more intelligent . . . especially more intelligent. The stories in Creative Destruction explore what we could face in the next half century or so: artificial intelligence, malicious software to makes us nostalgic for mere viruses, ever-more-perfect virtual reality, direct neural interfaces to computers, ubiquitous networks, and more. The internet. That was nothing."Included are:INTRODUCTION, by Stanley SchmidtFOREWORD, by Edward M. LernerTHE DAY OF THE RFIDSSURVIVAL INSTINCTWHAT A PIECE OF WORK IS MANBY THE RULESINIQUITOUS COMPUTINGCATCH A FALLING STARSETTLEMENTCREATIVE DESTRUCTION
Edward M. Lerner 作者作品表

InterstellarNet: Origins (Paperback)

InterstellarNet: Enigma (Paperback)

InterstellarNet: New Order (Paperback)

Life and Death on Mars (Paperback)

On the Shoals of Space-Time (Paperback)

Frontiers of Space, Time, and Thought: Essays and Stories on the Big Questions (Paperback)

On the Shoals of Space-Time (Paperback)

The Company Man (Paperback)

The Sherlock Chronicles & The Paradise Quartet (Paperback)

Countdown to Armageddon / A Stranger in Paradise (Paperback)

Déjà Doomed (MP3 CD)

eBook: Creative Destruction: Science Fiction Stories (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Creative Destruction: Science Fiction Stories (DRM PDF)

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