eBook: Inspector Alan Grant of Scotland Yard MEGAPACK(R): 6 Classic Mystery Novels (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Josephine Tey 
書城編號: 21310600

售價: $10.00

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製造商: Wildside Press LLC
出版日期: 2020/09/07
頁數: 1490
ISBN: 9781479458110

"Josephine Tey" was one of several pseudonyms used by Elizabeth Mackintosh (1896-1952), a Scottish author best known for her mystery novels. I have chosen to release this volume under this particular pseudonym since 5 of the 6 volumes were first published under it. (She published the first book as by "Gordon Daviot," a name she primarily used for plays with historical themes.)In five of six novels in this series, the hero is Scotland Yard Inspector Alan Grant. (Grant appears in a sixth, The Franchise Affair, as a minor character-but it is included here for completeness.) The most famous of these is The Daughter of Time, in which Inspector Grant, while laid up in hospital, has friends research reference books and contemporary documents so that he can puzzle out the mystery of whether King Richard III of England murdered his nephews, the Princes, in the Tower.The Daughter of Time was the last of Tey's books to be published during her lifetime. In 1990, the British Crime Writers' Association selected it as the greatest mystery novel of all time. One final crime novel, The Singing Sands, was found in her papers and published posthumously. It is last in this collection.If you enjoy this collection, search your favorite ebook store for "Wildside MEGAPACK" to see the complete list of available titles. We have published more than 400 volumes in the series, covering mysteries, adventure, historical fiction, science fiction -- and much, much more!
Josephine Tey 作者作品表

eBook: Brat Farrar (DRM EPUB)

Brat Farrar (Paperback)

The Franchise Affair (Paperback)

eBook: Franchise Affair (DRM EPUB)

The Franchise Affair (Hardcover)

eBook: Man in the Queue (DRM EPUB)

The Man in the Queue (Paperback)

eBook: Delphi Complete Works of Josephine Tey (Illustrated) (DRM EPUB)

The Daughter of Time (Paperback)

eBook: Daughter of Time (DRM EPUB)

Brat Farrar (Paperback)

To Love and Be Wise (Paperback)

The Daughter Of Time: A gripping historical mystery (Paperback)

The Franchise Affair: Their country house will soon play host to a nightmare... (Paperback)

eBook: Inspector Alan Grant of Scotland Yard MEGAPACK(R): 6 Classic Mystery Novels (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Inspector Alan Grant of Scotland Yard MEGAPACK(R): 6 Classic Mystery Novels (DRM PDF)

The Daughter of Time (Paperback)

The Franchise Affair (Unabridged ed) (Audio disc)

Brat Farrar (Unabridged ed) (CD-Audio)

The Daughter of Time, 1st Edition

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