eBook: Remaining Relevant in Your Tech Career: When Change Is the Only Constant (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Robert Stackowiak 
分類: Society & culture: general ,
Careers guidance ,
Business & management ,
書城編號: 21359756

售價: $234.00

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製造商: Apress
出版日期: 2018/08/10
ISBN: 9781484237038
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Remain relevant in the face of constant change during your career in technology. This book shows you how to proactively plan in anticipation of future changes. Many people find technology careers enticing because of the number of job opportunities, the high compensation, or simply because of fascination with technology itself. Once in those careers, however, there are many challenges to remaining relevant and at one's peak in the face of constantly shifting competitive and technology landscapes. Incumbents face a constant stream of new skills to learn that are often already known by more recent graduates entering the market at lower compensation rates. There also are time-to-market challenges and the need to keep up with the introduction of automation.This book was written based on the author's experience gained over 40 years working with and in technology-related fields and companies. It provides practical guidance on remaining relevant as changes are expected to occur in technology at ever faster rates in coming decades.What You'll LearnKnow what companies really wantRealize the importance of alignment with company cultureUnderstand the political landscape and how to use it to advantageDiscover why creating, maintaining, and operating in a diverse environment is beneficialMaster strategies for skills developmentFuture-proof your careerWho This Book Is ForTechnology professionals who want to remain relevant and happy while navigating their current career and university students who are pursuing a STEM career and actively planning their future
Robert Stackowiak 作者作品表

eBook: Azure Internet of Things Revealed: Architecture and Fundamentals (DRM PDF)

eBook: Azure Internet of Things Revealed: Architecture and Fundamentals (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Remaining Relevant in Your Tech Career: When Change Is the Only Constant (DRM PDF)

eBook: Remaining Relevant in Your Tech Career: When Change Is the Only Constant (DRM EPUB)


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