eBook: Great American Ghost Stories: Lyons Press Classics (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bill Bowers 
分類: Anthologies (non-poetry) ,
Horror & ghost stories  
書城編號: 21399322

售價: $129.00

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製造商: Lyons Press
出版日期: 2017/09/01
頁數: 312
ISBN: 9781493029365
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A ghoulish collection of true American classics From North to South, coast-to-coast, and legendary to forgotten classicsLyons Press American Classics deliver stories rooted in their time, place, and topicDistinct series design for impulse- and collect-them-all sales With frightening stories from Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, Francis Bret Harte, Ambrose Bierce, Edith Wharton, Mark Twain, Harriett Beecher Stowe, O. Henry, Will Cather, and long forgotten yet terrifying authors, this ghostly collection of Lyons Press American Classics delivers the ghastly, horrifying, and otherwise haunting tales we love to read aboutall from our deep history and in a book that makes a great gift as part of Lyons Press's outstanding Americana library.
Bill Bowers 作者作品表

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eBook: Great American Crime Stories: Lyons Press Classics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Great American Crime Stories: Lyons Press Classics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Great American Ghost Stories: Lyons Press Classics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Great American Ghost Stories: Lyons Press Classics (DRM EPUB)

Great American Crime Stories (Paperback)

Great American Ghost Stories (Paperback)

Turning Boxes with Friction-Fitted Lids (Paperback)

eBook: Classic Ghost Stories: Eighteen Spine-Chilling Tales of Terror and the Supernatural (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Classic Ghost Stories: Eighteen Spine-Chilling Tales of Terror and the Supernatural (DRM PDF)

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