eBook: Scenic Driving New England: Exploring the Region's Most Spectacular Back Roads (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Stewart M. Green 
系列: Scenic Driving
分類: Road & motor vehicles: general interest ,
Travel & holiday ,
Travel & holiday guides ,
Northeastern & North Atlantic states  
書城編號: 21399648

售價: $221.00

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製造商: Globe Pequot
出版日期: 2019/05/01
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9781493035977
>> 相關實體書

Pack up the car and enjoy gorgeous drives through some of the most spectacular scenery the area has to offer. This series of indispensable highway companions maps out short trips for exploring scenic byways and back roads. Whether you embark on an adventure that winds along mountainsides, cuts through open fields, or shows off the shoreline, the road trips in our Scenic Driving guides will transform your passenger seat into a front row seat to experience natural beauty at its finest.Inside you'll find:Itineraries from 20 to more than 200 miles Route map for each drive In-depth descriptions of attractions Optional side trips to museums, parks, and landmarks Tips on lodging, camping, dining, travel services, and best driving seasons
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Stewart M. Green 作者作品表

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eBook: Scenic Driving Arizona: Including the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Sedona, and Saguaro National Park (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Scenic Driving Arizona: Including the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Sedona, and Saguaro National Park (DRM PDF)

eBook: Scenic Driving California's Pacific Coast: Including San Francisco, Monterey, Big Sur, and Redwood National Park (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Scenic Driving California's Pacific Coast: Including San Francisco, Monterey, Big Sur, and Redwood National Park (DRM PDF)

eBook: Hiking Colorado's Hidden Gems: 40 Undiscovered Trails (DRM PDF)

eBook: Hiking Colorado's Hidden Gems: 40 Undiscovered Trails (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Best Hikes Colorado Springs: The Greatest Views, Wildlife, and Forest Strolls (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Best Hikes Albuquerque: The Greatest Views, Wildlife, and Forest Strolls (DRM PDF)

eBook: Best Hikes Albuquerque: The Greatest Views, Wildlife, and Forest Strolls (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Best Climbs Moab: Over 150 Of The Best Routes In The Area (DRM PDF)

eBook: Best Climbs Moab: Over 150 Of The Best Routes In The Area (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Rock Climbing Colorado: A Guide To More Than 1,800 Routes (DRM PDF)

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