eBook: 365 Ways to Love Your Child: Turning Little Moments into Lasting Memories (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Julie Lavender 
分類: Christian life & practice ,
Christian aspects of sexuality, gender & relationships ,
Family & relationships ,
Advice on parenting ,
Miscellaneous items  
書城編號: 21404404

原價: HK$62.00
現售: HK$58.9 節省: HK$3.1

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製造商: Baker Publishing Group
出版日期: 2020/10/20
頁數: 160
ISBN: 9781493427932
>> 相關實體書

Growing up in a financially strapped, South Georgia farming family, Julie Lavender learned to appreciate small yet meaningful affirmations of love when her parents found ways to visibly demonstrate their feelings. Later, when she had her own children, Julie delighted in finding creative ways to express her love for them, as well as for the children whose lives she touched through teaching school and volunteering in the children's ministry at her church.In 365 Ways to Love Your Child, Julie encourages moms, dads, and anyone who works with children to show kids every day with simple but meaningful gestures and activities how very much they are loved. Join Julie in expressing tangible acts of love to show your kids they are valued by their parents and, most especially, by God.
Julie Lavender 作者作品表

A Gingerbread House (Hardcover)

El Zorro (Hardcover)

Lemur (Hardcover)

La Foca (Hardcover)

El Leopardo (Hardcover)

El Lémur (Hardcover)

Seal (Hardcover)

Leopard (Hardcover)

Fox (Hardcover)

eBook: Strength for All Seasons (DRM EPUB)

Strength for All Seasons: A Mom's Devotional of Powerful Verses and Prayers (Paperback)

eBook: 365 Ways to Love Your Child: Turning Little Moments into Lasting Memories (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mrs. Amazing and The Seed (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Scripture Adventures!, Grades K - 2: 120 Creative Ways to Memorize God's Word (DRM PDF)

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