Las navidades son las fiestas mas bonitas del ano, pero para Randy y sus amigos, aquellas se convirtieron en una impresionante aventura. Aislados en una vivienda en medio de la nieve. Solo hay otra casa frente a ellos. Dicen que esta vacia, pero ellos han podido ver como la luz se filtra a traves de las persianas. Alli hay alguien, y decidieron desvelarlo. No se puede imaginar como termina esta historia. Es otra emocionante aventura de Randy y sus amigos, esta vez una historia navidena que te hara temblar y reir.Christmas is a beautiful season of the year, but for Randy and his friends, those holidays became an incredible adventure. Isolated in a house in the middle of the snow, there is only one other house near of them. They say that it is empty, but they have been able to see how the light filters through the blinds. There is someone there, and they decide to find out who. You cannot imagine how this story ends. It is another exciting adventure of Randy and his friends, this time a Christmas story that will make you tremble and laugh.