eBook: Literary Transcendentalism: Style and Vision in the American Renaissance (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Lawrence Buell 
分類: Literary studies: general ,
Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900 ,
書城編號: 21436638

售價: $26.00

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製造商: Cornell University Press
出版日期: 2016/11/01
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9781501707667
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Broader in scope than any previous literary study of the transcendentalists, this rewarding book analyzes the theories and forms characteristic of a vital group of American writers, as well as the principles and vision underlying transcendentalism. All the movement's major literary figures and forms are considered in detail. Lawrence Buell combines intellectual history and critical explication, giving equal attention to general trends and to particular works and individuals. His chapters on conversation, religious discourse, catalog rhetoric, and literary travelogue treat intensively topics that have been relatively neglected. His analyses of Ellery Channing's poetry and the use of persona in Emerson and Very are also innovative. In the final section, he offers the first systematic account of the autobiographical tradition in transcendentalist writing.This incisive and sympathetic overview of transcendentalist writing and thought will attract readers interested in American culture, and it will suggest new critical approaches to nonfiction.
Lawrence Buell 作者作品表

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eBook: Literary Transcendentalism: Style and Vision in the American Renaissance (DRM EPUB)

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