"This is an in-depth yet quite accessible overlook of public policy in the United States...With this updated version, Peters' text keeps up with the ever-changing world of American public policy while still giving students the tools to better understand this process."-Michael E. Bednarczuk,University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeThis updated edition ofAmerican Public Policyprovides a comprehensive yet accessible overview of the policy-making process from procedural approaches and policy instruments to in-depth analysis of specific policy issues. TheEleventh Edition considers how policy has been impacted by recent economic and political developments. Not shying away from the complexity of governmental procedure, Peters ensures that the mechanisms of the policy process are understandable through insightful discussions of topical policy areas.Give your students the SAGE edge!SAGE edgeoffers a robust online environment featuring an impressive array of free tools and resources for review, study, and further exploration, keeping both instructors and students on the cutting edge of teaching and learning. Learn more atedge.sagepub.com/peters11e.Bundle American Public Policy, 11e with any of the following texts for only $5 more! Issues for Debate in American Public Policy, 19e: Use bundle ISBN 978-1-5443-4592-5 The CQ Press Writing Guide for Public Policy: Use bundle ISBN 978-1-5443-4141-5