eBook: Franklin C. Watkins: Portrait of a Painter (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Ben Wolf 
系列: Anniversary Collection
分類: Individual artists, art monographs ,
Individual photographers ,
Individual architects & architectural firms ,
Biography: general ,
Biography: arts & entertainment  
書城編號: 21480476

售價: $1235.00

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製造商: University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
出版日期: 2017/11/15
頁數: 208
ISBN: 9781512819410
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Franklin C. Watkins (1894-1972) was born in New York but pursued his work as painter and teacher in Philadelphia. Over his long and distinguished career, he was awarded many honors and prizes, and his paintings hang in the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Corcoran Gallery, the Detroit Institute of Art, the Baltimore Museum of Art, as well as in many other museums, university collections, and private collections.During a series of highly informal meetings betwen Franklin C. Watkins and author Ben Wolfboth deeply engrossed in art, one asking and listening, the other searching for answers with the naked honesty that distinguishes both the man and his workthis book found its natural though unorthodox form. The transcriptions of the actual conversations between the author and the painter are framed by an introductory essay on the origins of the book and by an account of the painting of Watkins's mural-sized canvas for the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University. But the book's contents resist classification.Ninety-four of Watkins's paintings are reproduced, together with a catalogue containing his comments on individual pictures.
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Ben Wolf 作者作品表

All I Want for Christmas Is Nukes (Paperback)

What the Frost (Paperback)

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The Ghost Plague: A Sci-Fi Horror Thriller (Paperback)

The Ghost Mine: A Sci-Fi Horror Thriller (Paperback)

eBook: Franklin C. Watkins: Portrait of a Painter (DRM PDF)

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