eBook: Dickens and Christmas (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Lucinda Hawksley 
分類: Autobiography: literary ,
Social & cultural history  
書城編號: 21507402

原價: HK$65.00
現售: HK$61.75 節省: HK$3.25

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出版日期: 2017/10/30
頁數: 208
ISBN: 9781526712295
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A direct descendant of Charles Dickens delves into the many merry ways in which the author of A Christmas Carol celebrated & influenced the holiday. Dickens and Christmas is an exploration of the 19th-century phenomenon that became the Christmas we know and love todayand of the writer who changed, forever, the ways in which it is celebrated. Charles Dickens was born in an age of great social change. He survived childhood poverty to become the most adored and influential man of his time. Throughout his life, he campaigned tirelessly for better social conditions, including by his most famous work, A Christmas Carol. He wrote this novella specifically ';to strike a sledgehammer blow on behalf of the poor man's child,' and it began the Victorian's obsession with Christmas. This new book, written by one of his direct descendants, explores not only Dickens's most famous work, but also his all-too-often overlooked other Christmas novellas. It takes the readers through the seasonal short stories he wrote, for both adults and children, includes much-loved festive excerpts from his novels, uses contemporary newspaper clippings, and looks at Christmas writings by Dickens's contemporaries. To give an even more personal insight, readers can discover how the Dickens family itself celebrated Christmas, through the eyes of Dickens's unfinished autobiography, family letters, and his children's memoirs. Dickens and Christmas also explores the ways in which his works have gone on to influence how the festive season is celebrated around the globe. ';Brilliant . . . a very readable book, a slice of social history involving a man who, more than anyone, encapsulates Christmas in literature.'Books Monthly
Lucinda Hawksley 作者作品表

Dickens and Travel: The Start of Modern Travel Writing (Paperback)

Dickens and Travel: The Start of Modern Travel Writing (Hardcover)

eBook: Letters of Great Women: Extraordinary correspondence from history's remarkable women (DRM EPUB)

eBook: March, Women, March (DRM EPUB)

March, Women, March (Reissue) (Paperback)

Dickens' Artistic Daughter Katey (Paperback)

Elizabeth Revealed (Paperback)

eBook: Dickens and Christmas (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Dickens and Christmas (DRM PDF)

Dickens and Christmas (Hardcover)

Writer Abroad (Hardcover)

Bitten by Witch Fever (Hardcover)

Charles Dickens and His Circle (Paperback)

eBook: Queen Victoria's Mysterious Daughter: A Biography of Princess Louise (DRM EPUB)

Mystery of Princess Louise (Paperback)

Moustaches, Whiskers and Beards (Paperback)

eBook: Mystery of Princess Louise: Queen Victoria's Rebellious Daughter (DRM EPUB)

Mystery of Princess Louise (Hardcover)

Charles Dickens' Favorite Daughter: The Life, Loves, and Art of Katey Dickens Perugini (Hardcover)

50 British Artists You Should Know (Paperback)

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