eBook: Pulp and Paper Industry: Production, Management and Technology (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Mette P. Kristensen 
系列: Technology in a Globalizing World
分類: Technology: general issues  
書城編號: 21528415

售價: $1066.00

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製造商: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
出版日期: 2020/07/17
頁數: 109
ISBN: 9781536179194

In the opening study included in The Pulp and Paper Industry: Production, Management and Technology, the influence of temperature on the selectivity and permeability of ceramic membranes for sulphate pulp production is researched. Following this, the dependence of the quantity of suspended substances and working pressure on selectivity and permeability is studied for membranes in the wastewater treatment process in sulphate cellulose production. In addition, the influence of the hydrogen parameter of wastewater on the selectivity and permeability of acetate cellulose membranes is studied for sulphate pulp production. The authors discuss the basic idea of nonequivalent ion transfer through a semipermeable membrane or direct osmosis. The applications of residues from the paper and pulp industry are described, including: as reinforcement material for composites, and for obtaining valuable substances such as cellulose nanofibers and cellulose nanostructures. The different physical, chemical, electrochemical and biological effects of exposure to pulp and paper mill wastewater are summarized, and remediation technologies, along with their advantages and disadvantages, are discussed.
Technology in a Globalizing World

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