eBook: Neurovascular Surgical Diseases: A Case-Based Approach (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Renato Galzio 
系列: Surgery - Procedures, Complications, and Results
分類: Neurosurgery  
書城編號: 21528560

售價: $4030.00

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製造商: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
出版日期: 2020/07/24
頁數: 546
ISBN: 9781536182644
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Nowadays, neurovascular diseases represent a field of enormous interest in clinical and surgical areas because of their complex management and recent advances about surgical and endovascular techniques. The difficult decision-making process at the base of these pathologies comprehends a wide series of treatment options which ought to be mastered by all the specialists facing the neurovascular pathology. This book addresses every aspect of the most common neurovascular diseases, as intracranial aneurysms, brain and spinal cord AVMs and cavernous angiomas, cranial and spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas, as well as spontaneous cerebral hemorrhages. It also focuses on the newer technologies regarding the intraoperative imaging of the cerebral blood flow. A large part is dedicated to the surgical approaches, but also tips and tricks of the management of these complex pathologies, presented by expert and world-renowned neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists and other specialists. The first section reviews the anatomy of the skull base, cranial and spinal cord vasculature. The second analyzes in detail the diagnosis, decision-making process, preoperative evaluation and surgical planning of the most common surgical neurovascular diseases. The third reports the most common surgical approaches employed for cranial neurovascular diseases, whereas the fourth miscellaneous section is mainly dedicated to the peculiar aspects regarding the management of giant and complex aneurysms, endovascular techniques, and also the role of radiosurgery for specific intra-axial vascular lesions. A further chapter describes the technical aspects regarding the use of indocyanine green and fluorescein videoangiography during neurovascular surgery. The main valuable strengths of this book lie in its case-based conception and wide number of colored figures, tables and treatment algorithms. In its structured organization, this book serves as a practical case-based guide for neurosurgeons, neurologists, neuroradiologists, residents, fellows, physicians and medical students involved in the field of neuroscience. The book enables all these specialists to gain high-value insights into the preoperative evaluation, planning, surgical techniques, pitfalls, prevention and management of complications of the surgical neurovascular pathology. Thanks to the contribution of different world-renowned neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists and experts, this book also promotes an updated overview of the most recent advances in neurovascular and neuroendovascular surgery, at the same time encouraging an interdisciplinary approach.
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Renato Galzio 作者作品表

Neurovascular Surgical Diseases: A Case-Based Approach (Hardcover)

eBook: Neurovascular Surgical Diseases: A Case-Based Approach (DRM PDF)

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