eBook: International Criminal Law of Children (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
系列: Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement and Corrections
分類: Criminal law & procedure ,
Family law: children  
書城編號: 21528827

售價: $2990.00

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製造商: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
出版日期: 2020/10/30
頁數: 369
ISBN: 9781536187908
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This book addresses the international criminal law of children, which constitutes one of the major branches of public international criminal law. It brings together the imperative key codes of the international humanitarian law of armed conflict, international human rights law, international criminal law, and international criminal justice in conjunction with the legal statute of children, with a diverse range of methods and positions on the origin of national criminal laws. It proves that children are an especially precious subject of international jurisprudence, and therefore violating their rights in the time of armed conflict is not only a crime of international character, but also an assault against the most elementary, ethical philosophy of universal moral justice. The book also addresses questions relating to the rape, torture, or killing of minors/children in different parts of our globe. The theme of the book condemns various brutal conducts authorized by governments against children both in times of war and of peace such as genocide or recruitment of child soldiers. Through this, the book evaluates the principles of jus cogens and erga omnes which have been constantly violated by various states over the last several centuries up until today. The powerful theory of the book is strongly recommended to all law and public libraries in the world. It should be read by students of law and politics, international lawyers, researchers of criminal law, military offices including peacekeeping missions.
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