eBook: How to Close a Museum: A Practical Guide (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Susana Smith Bautista 
分類: Museology & heritage studies ,
Management & management techniques  
書城編號: 21532450

售價: $455.00

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製造商: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
出版日期: 2021/06/15
頁數: 208
ISBN: 9781538148990
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How to Close a Museum: A Practical Guide answers your questions about closing a museum. Even if you are just considering your options during difficult times and planning for your future, this book takes you through all the legal, ethical, and operational questions to start thinking about. It clearly lays out all the steps to follow to dissolve the nonprofit corporation, how to work with the board, disperse assets, create a final staffing plan, media relations, archival materials, community relations, and how to deal with donors and preserve the legacy of the organization. Included in the book are valuable forms, creative ideas, and sample documents to save you time.Written by Dr. Susana Bautista, an experienced museum administrator, curator, and museologist, who personally went though this process of closing a museum as the last executive director of the Pasadena Museum of California Art in 2018. She will recount her experiences and lessons learned, as well as those of other museum leaders who have gone through similar experiences, so that all museum professionals will be better prepared for what is always a stressful and emotional experience.
Susana Smith Bautista 作者作品表

eBook: How to Close a Museum: A Practical Guide (DRM PDF)

eBook: How to Close a Museum: A Practical Guide (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Museums in the Digital Age: Changing Meanings of Place, Community, and Culture (DRM PDF)

eBook: Museums in the Digital Age: Changing Meanings of Place, Community, and Culture (DRM EPUB)

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