eBook: Switchback: A Nightshades Novel (mp3 zips)
電子書格式: mp3 zips
作者: Melissa F. Olson, Luke Daniels 
系列: Nightshades
分類: Horror & ghost stories  
書城編號: 21540422

原價: HK$377.00
現售: HK$358.15 節省: HK$18.85

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製造商: Brilliance Audio
出版日期: 2017/12/01
ISBN: 9781543663006

The Bureau of Preternatural Investigations returns in Switchback, the sequel to Melissa F. Olsons Nightshades.Three weeks after the events of Nightshades, things are finally beginning to settle for the Chicago branch of the BPI, but the brief respite from the horror of the previous few weeks was never destined to last.The team gets a call from Switch Creek, WI, where a young man has been arrested on suspicion of being a shade.The suspect is held overnight, pending DNA testing, but seemingly escapes in a terrifying and bloody massacre. But is there more to the jailbreak than a simple quest for freedom?

eBook: Outbreak: A Nightshades Novel (mp3 zips)

eBook: Nightshades: A Paranormal Thriller (mp3 zips)

eBook: Switchback: A Nightshades Novel (mp3 zips)

Melissa F. Olson 作者作品表

Archaic (Paperback)

eBook: Outbreak (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Outbreak: A Nightshades Novel (mp3 zips)

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