eBook: Be Amazing or Go Home: Seven Customer Service Habits That Create Confidence with Everyone (mp3 zips)
電子書格式: mp3 zips
作者: Shep Hyken 
分類: Development economics & emerging economies  
書城編號: 21540457

原價: HK$377.00
現售: HK$358.15 節省: HK$18.85

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製造商: Brilliance Audio
出版日期: 2018/05/02
ISBN: 9781543680027

Want to amaze your customers, impress the people you work with, and outshine your competition? Going from average to amazing isn't an out-of-reach goal. In fact, amazement is a habit that anyone can master--and Shep Hyken knows the tricks to making it your own.In Be Amazing or Go Home, Shep shares the secrets behind making his motto "Always Be Amazing!" an everyday lifestyle and shows how you too can become exceptional in business and in life. Drawing on the routines of incredible people, Shep demonstrates simple practices that can elevate your game, including:Showing up ready to amazingBeing proactiveCraving feedbackTaking responsibilityEmbracing authenticityFocusing on excellenceTurning misery into magicOnce you master these habits, you'll be able to create trust, build stronger relationships, make sales, advance your career, and more. Now is the time to step out of the ordinary and step into amazing.
Shep Hyken 作者作品表

eBook: Hábitos magnéticos: 7 habitos para crear una experiencia de servicio excepcional (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Be Amazing or Go Home: Seven Customer Service Habits That Create Confidence with Everyone (mp3 zips)

Amazement Revolution (Hardcover)

Cult of the Customer (Hardcover)

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