eBook: What Self-Made Millionaires Do That Most People Don't: 52 Ways to Create Your Own Success (mp3 zips)
電子書格式: mp3 zips
作者: Ann Marie Sabath, Teri Schnaubelt 
分類: Entrepreneurship ,
Management: leadership & motivation  
書城編號: 21540468

原價: HK$377.00
現售: HK$358.15 節省: HK$18.85

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製造商: Brilliance Audio
出版日期: 2018/05/21
ISBN: 9781543690064

Confucius said that a thousand-mile journey begins with a single step. The same principle applies to becoming a self-made millionaire, except this journey is a little shorter, comprising just 52 common sense practices.Featuring interviews with a wide-ranging list of self-made millionaires, you will be astonished to see how anyone can achieve this status by creating the right mindset. You will learn how white-collar professionals, blue-collar workers, small business owners, even teenagers alike have joined this million-dollar net worth club by methodically and consistently putting into practice the self-made millionaire game plan revealed in this book.In What Self-Made Millionaires Do that Most People Don't, Ann Marie Sabath makes it easy for you to implement these simple strategies by posing a question at the end of each section to help you begin your own self-made millionaire journey.What Self-Made Millionaires Do that Most People Don't will teach you:How to create a self-made millionaire mindset.The 25 habits all accomplished individuals have in common.How self-made millionaires benefit from "failure."Powerful advice for anyone ready to begin their self-made millionaire journey.OK, you've been given the rod, now go fish!
Ann Marie Sabath 作者作品表

The Wannabe Investor: 40 Must-Know Facts Before Buying Your First Stock (Hardcover)

The Wannabe Investor: 40 Must-Know Facts Before Buying Your First Stock (Paperback)

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Everybody Has A Book Inside of Them: How to Bring it Out (Electronic book text)

Courting Business: 101 Ways for Acelerating Business Relationships (Paperback)

International Business Etiquette (Paperback)

eBook: International Business Etiquette: Europe (DRM EPUB)

eBook: International Business Etiquette: Asia & the Pacific Rim (DRM EPUB)

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