eBook: Digital Currencies: Unlocking the Secrets of Crypto-Currencies (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: David Peterson 
分類: Economics, finance, business & management ,
Business & management ,
Information technology: general issues  
書城編號: 21540624

原價: HK$203.00
現售: HK$192.85 節省: HK$10.15

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製造商: Partridge Publishing Singapore
出版日期: 2017/04/10
頁數: 146
ISBN: 9781543740479
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Crypto-currencies arent without their share of controversies. These virtual currencies have created a revolution in both the economic and the financial front. Whether the founders of the crypto-currenciessuch as Satoshi Nakamoto (Bitcoin), Charles Lee (Litecoin), Paul Snow (Factom), Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum), and many othershave profited from their product is not known. But their efforts have certainly contributed a digital revolution in the form of a radical new currencythe virtual currencythat, once all the loopholes are plugged, can one day replace the paper and plastic currencies as they had replaced gold as a mode of payment in the past. The introduction of the digital currencies has brought forth a whole new set of regulations, technical jargons, and standard practices. In the e-book Digital Currencies: Unlocking the Secrets of the Crypto-Currencies, you will uncover the secrets of the virtual currency including: history and evolution of crypto-currency, the next generation of digital currencies, technology that powers the digital currency, big data and the network effect, the market equilibrium and the baseline mode, legal and tax issues regarding virtual currency, and much more. So are you ready to get in-depth knowledge about the crypto-currency revolution? Lets delve in to find out more.
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