eBook: Government-Nonprofit Relations in Times of Recession (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Rachel Laforest 
分類: Central government policies ,
Economic & financial crises & disasters  
書城編號: 21555750

原價: HK$351.00
現售: HK$333.45 節省: HK$17.55

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製造商: MQUP
出版日期: 2016/04/24
ISBN: 9781553395089
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Government-Nonprofit Relations in Times of Recession brings together contributions by international scholars to examine how the relationships between governments and nonprofit organizations have shifted as a result of the global recession. Each chapter provides a detailed analysis of the impact of the recession on government operations and on the nonprofit sector. It is essential reading for academics and practitioners interested in the current policy agendas with regard to the nonprofit sector. This book is the sixth volume to emerge from the Public Policy and Third Sector Initiative in the School of Policy Studies at Queen's University, and is based on the Tenth Annual National Forum of the Initiative, which brought together public servants, experts, and practitioners to discuss the evolution of government-nonprofit relations. Contributors include Nicholas Acheson (University of Ulster), John Butcher (Australian National University), John Casey (City University of New York), Gemma Donnelly-Cox (Trinity College), John A. Healy (Atlantic Philanthropies), Rachel Laforest (Queen's University), Barbara Levine (Carleton University), Carmen Parra (University Abat Oliba Ceu), Colin Rochester (University of London), Bjrn Schmitz (University of Heidelberg), Steven Rathgeb Smith (American University, The University of Washington), Marilyn Taylor (University of London), Evren Tok (Hamad Bin Kkalifa University), and Meta Zimmeck (Roehamptom University).
Rachel Laforest 作者作品表

eBook: Government-Nonprofit Relations in Times of Recession (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Government-Nonprofit Relations in Times of Recession (DRM PDF)

Government-Nonprofit Relations in Times of Recession (Paperback)

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