eBook: When God Speaks through You: How Faith Convictions Shape Preaching and Mission (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Craig A. Satterlee 
系列: Vital Worship Healthy Congregations
分類: Christian ministry & pastoral activity  
書城編號: 21561038

售價: $260.00

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製造商: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
出版日期: 2007/12/10
頁數: 182
ISBN: 9781566996983
>> 相關實體書

"Holy and active listening" means listening openly and attentively to one another with the expectation that God will speak in and through the conversation. In When God Speaks through You, homiletics professor Craig Satterlee helps preachers and their congregations learn to listen to one another with such grace. Satterlee demonstrates how individuals and groups can identify, clarify, and articulate their convictions about the Christian faith and share them in a nonthreatening manner. He also helps readers discover their expectations of and reactions to preaching itself. The preacher will come to better know what people listen for, and parishioners will better understand what the preacher hopes to accomplish in the sermon. Creating discussion groups about preaching frequently results in spiritual growth, renewal, deeper appreciation for difference, new perspective, and motivation for the preacher and the discussion group members and, through them, the congregation. These conversations can prepare congregations for broader conversation about how people's faith convictions shape both their lives and the congregation's worship, life together, and mission.
Vital Worship Healthy Congregations

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Craig A. Satterlee 作者作品表

My Burden Is Light: Making Room for Jesus in Preaching (Paperback)

eBook: My Burden Is Light: Making Room for Jesus in Preaching (DRM PDF)

eBook: My Burden Is Light: Making Room for Jesus in Preaching (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Preaching and Stewardship: Proclaiming God's Invitation to Grow (DRM EPUB)

eBook: When God Speaks Through Worship: Stories Congregations Live By (DRM EPUB)

eBook: When God Speaks through You: How Faith Convictions Shape Preaching and Mission (DRM EPUB)

eBook: When God Speaks through Change: Preaching in Times of Congregational Transition (DRM PDF)

eBook: When God Speaks through Change: Preaching in Times of Congregational Transition (DRM EPUB)

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