eBook: Creativity for Life: Practical Advice on the Artist's Personality, and Career from America's Foremost Creativity Coach (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Eric Maisel 
分類: The arts: general issues ,
Dance & other performing arts ,
書城編號: 21564350

原價: HK$221.00
現售: HK$209.95 節省: HK$11.05

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出版日期: 2010/09/24
頁數: 368
ISBN: 9781577317234
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As a therapist and creativity coach, Eric Maisel has worked with thousands of creative people. He knows firsthand the struggles that writers, musicians, artists, dancers, and actors face and has helped them find balance in their lives while pursuing their artistic endeavors. His new book presents a comprehensive approach to the much-misunderstood life of the artist. Creativity for Life offers practical ideas as well as exercises and inspiration to nurture growth as an artist and as a person, exploring such subjects as: Establishing your creativity practice Obscurity and stardom Blocks The artist's personality Moods and madness Artists in love Craft The rewards and perils of isolation Social interactions and community
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Choose Your Life Purposes: A Step-By-Step Guide to Self Awareness, Empowerment, and Success (MP3 CD)

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eBook: Coach's Way: The Art and Practice of Powerful Coaching in Any Field (DRM PDF)

Deconstructing ADHD: Mental Disorder or Social Construct? (Hardcover)

Why Smart Teens Hurt: Helping Adolescents Cope with the Consequences of Intelligence (Compact Disc)

Why Smart Teens Hurt: Helping Adolescents Cope with the Consequences of Intelligence (MP3 CD)

eBook: Redesign Your Mind: The Breakthrough Program for Real Cognitive Change (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Power of Daily Practice: How Creative and Performing Artists (and Everyone Else) Can Finally Meet Their Goals (DRM PDF)

eBook: Power of Daily Practice: How Creative and Performing Artists (and Everyone Else) Can Finally Meet Their Goals (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Writer's San Francisco (DRM EPUB)

Creativity Workbook for Coaches and Creatives (Paperback)

eBook: Creativity Workbook for Coaches and Creatives: 50+ Inspiring Exercises from Creativity Coaches Worldwide (DRM PDF)

eBook: Creativity Workbook for Coaches and Creatives: 50+ Inspiring Exercises from Creativity Coaches Worldwide (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Inside Creativity Coaching: 40 Inspiring Case Studies from Around the World (DRM EPUB)

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