eBook: Brain Fitness (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Aihan Kuhn 
書城編號: 21576133

售價: $187.00

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製造商: YMAA Publication Center
出版日期: 2017/07/01
ISBN: 9781594395253

In Brain Fitness Dr. Aihan Kuhn shares her expertise in tai chi, qigong, and medicine, giving readers exercises designed to prevent brain aging. This book represents a synthesis of Dr. Kuhn's studies in martial arts as well as Eastern and Western healingTai chi and qigong practitioners around the world have long known that these arts promote fitness and self-defense. In this book Dr. Kuhn discusses their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. She emphasizes how tai chi and qigong aid in memory, emotional balance, and lifelong learning.This book features • An illustrated manual detailing tai chi and qigong exercises to prevent brain aging • Elements of Eastern and Western medicine combined to form a new vision of brain health • Dr. Kuhn's concise, accessible guidance from a lifetime of studying martial arts and medicineWith this book you will • Learn Dr. Kuhn's keys to prevent brain aging • Discover the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of tai chi • Learn how tai chi and qigong assist in human healingDr. Kuhn says we have long assumed that getting older means facing a decline in memory, attention span, numerical ability, creativity, alertness, learning ability, and language."But we were wrong," she adds. "New findings from science show that if the brain is consistently stimulated, no matter at what age, the brain can remain young and healthy."She has written Brain Fitness to help us all maintain that clarity, creativity, and vitality.
Aihan Kuhn 作者作品表

Brain Fitness (Paperback)

eBook: Brain Fitness (DRM PDF)

eBook: Brain Fitness (DRM EPUB)

Tai Chi for Depression (Paperback)

eBook: Tai Chi for Depression (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tai Chi for Depression (DRM PDF)

eBook: Tai Chi In 10 Weeks (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tai Chi In 10 Weeks (DRM PDF)

Tai Chi In 10 Weeks (Paperback)

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