eBook: Krav Maga Combatives (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: David Kahn, Sean Hoggs 
書城編號: 21576159

售價: $249.00

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製造商: YMAA Publication Center
出版日期: 2019/06/01
ISBN: 9781594396823

BECAUSE NOT ALL KRAV MAGA IS THE SAME(R) This book is designed for krav maga trainees, security-conscious civilians, law enforcement officers, security professionals, and military personnel alike who wish to refine their essential krav maga combatives, improve their chances of surviving a hostile attack and prevail without serious injury. Combatives are the foundation of krav maga counter-attacks.   These are the combatives of the original Israeli Krav Maga Association (Grandmaster Gidon).   It is irrefutable that you need only learn a few core combatives to be an effective fighter.  Simple is easy.  Easy is effective.  Effective is what is required to end a violent encounter quickly, decisively, and on your terms. This book stresses doing the right things and doing them in the right way.  Right technique + Correct execution = Maximum Effect.   Contents include Key strategies for achieving maximum combative effects Krav maga's 12 most effective combatives Developing power and balance Combatives for the upper and lower body Combative combinations and retzev (continuous combat motion) Combatives for takedowns and throws Combatives for armbars, leglocks, and chokes Whatever your martial arts or defensive tactics background or if you have no self-defense background at all, this book can add defensive combatives and combinations to your defensive repertoire. Our aim is to build a strong self-defense foundation through the ability to optimally counter-attack.
David Kahn 作者作品表

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eBook: Krav Maga: An Essential Guide to the Renowned Method--for Fitness and Self-Defense (DRM EPUB)

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Codebreakers (Hardcover)

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