eBook: Capital Budgeting (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Sandeep Goel 
分類: Accounting ,
Corporate finance ,
Investment & securities  
書城編號: 21593139

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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製造商: Business Expert Press
出版日期: 2015/01/26
頁數: 217
ISBN: 9781606499870
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Capital budgeting is an important part of the financial management of a business organization. It is a process that business houses use to evaluate an investment proj-ect. The decision of whether to accept or deny an investment project is capital budgeting decision. Capital budgeting is important because it determines the long-term economic and nancial pro tability of any investment project. It lays down the future success of a business. Capital Budgeting aims to develop not only an understanding of the concepts of capital budgeting but also to provide its practical application to help students learn both theory and practice of capital budgeting used in the financial management of a business organization. It analyzes the capital budgeting practices of corporate enterprises in India in diverse sectors, on comparative basis, in order to provide the reader a better insight into the various issues and challenges regarding capital budgeting management.
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eBook: Capital Budgeting (DRM PDF)

eBook: Capital Budgeting (DRM EPUB)

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