eBook: Sacred Earth: Writers on Nature & Spirit (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jason Gardner 
分類: Anthologies (non-poetry) ,
Tribal religions ,
Natural history  
書城編號: 21599701

原價: HK$156.00
現售: HK$148.2 節省: HK$7.8

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出版日期: 2011/09/26
頁數: 208
ISBN: 9781608681235

Drawn from the great works of contemporary American nature writing, this profound and beautiful collection celebrates the earth and explores our spiritual relationship with nature. Contributors include: Edward Abbey David Abram Diane Ackerman Rick Bass Wendell Berry Rachel Carson John Daniel Annie Dillard Gretel Ehrlich Loren Eiseley Louise Erdrich Matthew Fox Joahn Haines Joan Halifax Jim Harrison Linda Hogan Sue Hubbell Aldo Leopold Barry Lopez Peter Matthiessen Bill McKibben Thomas Merton Richard Nelson John Nichopls David Quammen Chet Raymo Gary Snyder Wallace Stegner Jack Turner Terry Tempest Williams Edward O. Wilson and others
Jason Gardner 作者作品表

We the Spirits

eBook: Sacred Earth: Writers on Nature & Spirit (DRM PDF)

eBook: Sacred Earth: Writers on Nature & Spirit (DRM EPUB)

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