eBook: Forest Feast Gatherings: Simple Vegetarian Menus for Hosting Friends & Family (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Erin Gleeson 
分類: General cookery & recipes ,
Health & wholefood cookery ,
Vegetarian cookery ,
National & regional cuisine ,
Cookery by ingredient ,
Western & Pacific Coast states  
書城編號: 21619670

原價: HK$195.00
現售: HK$185.25 節省: HK$9.75

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出版日期: 2016/09/27
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9781613121979
>> 相關實體書

Erin Gleeson, the New York Times bestselling author of The Forest Feast, returns with a gorgeously illustrated cookbook packed with 100 brand-new simple vegetarian recipes designed for relaxed entertaining. A When food photographer and stylist Erin Gleeson left New York City to live in a cabin in the woods of northern California, she started the blog The Forest Feast to document her vegetable-centric, seasonal approach to cooking. Her readers are drawn to her healthy recipes that anyone can makeadishes that are easy enough to prepare after a long day at work, yet impressive enough for a partyaas well as to her visually stunning photography and watercolors. Erin handwrites each recipe over her photos to create diagram-like, step-by-step instructions that are vibrant, unique, and most important, easy to cook from. A Erins recipes have always been ideal for entertaining, but now in The Forest Feast Gatherings she offers detailed guidance on hosting casual, yet thoughtful, get-togethers from start to finish with recipes that serve 6 to 8. The book offers 100 new, innovative vegetarian recipes, along with some fan favorites from the blog, arranged in a series of artfully designed menus that are tailored around specific occasions and seasonsawhether a summer dinner party, a laid-back brunch, a vegan and gluten-free gathering, or holiday cocktails. Sample recipes include: A Pomegranate PunchQuinoa Crunch SaladFloral Summer RollsVietnamese Lentil TacosKale-Hazelnut SaladPear-Thyme Galettes A Menus feature recipes for drinks, appetizers, entrees, side dishes, and desserts, accented by quick decorating ideas for flower arrangements, signage, and table settings. A Lushly illustrated with hundreds of watercolor drawings and photographs, The Forest Feast Gatherings is an inspiring reference for anyone who wants to share good food with good friends, simply, easily, and beautifully. Also available from Erin Gleeson: The Forest Feast: Simple Vegetarian Recipes from My Cabin in the Woods and The Forest Feast for Kids.
Erin Gleeson 作者作品表

eBook: Forest Feast Mediterranean: Simple Vegetarian Recipes Inspired by My Travels (DRM PDF)

Forest Feast Mediterranean (Hardcover)

eBook: Forest Feast Gatherings: Simple Vegetarian Menus for Hosting Friends & Family (DRM EPUB)

Forest Feast Gatherings (Hardcover)

eBook: Forest Feast Gatherings: Simple Vegetarian Menus for Hosting Friends & Family (DRM PDF)

Forest Feast Notes (Hardcover)

Forest Feast for Kids (Hardcover)

eBook: Forest Feast for Kids: Colorful Vegetarian Recipes That Are Simple to Make (DRM EPUB)

Forest Feast Paper Placemats (Hardcover)

Forest Feast Notebooks (Hardcover)

Forest Feast Meal Planner and Shopping List (Hardcover)

eBook: Forest Feast: Simple Vegetarian Recipes from My Cabin in the Woods (DRM EPUB)

Forest Feast (Hardcover)

eBook: Forest Feast: Simple Vegetarian Recipes from My Cabin in the Woods (DRM PDF)

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