eBook: Is Music: New and Selected Poems (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: John Taggart 
分類: Poetry ,
Poetry by individual poets ,
書城編號: 21641766

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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製造商: Copper Canyon Press
出版日期: 2013/07/01
頁數: 180
ISBN: 9781619321045
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';John Taggart's poetry is not like music, it is music.'George OppenIs Musica major retrospective of an American originalgathers the best poems from John Taggart's fourteen volumes, ranging from early objectivist experiments and jazz-influenced improvisational pieces to longer breathtaking compositions regarded as underground masterpieces. There is a prayerful quality to Taggart's poetry, rooted in musicfrom medieval Christian traditions and soul to American punk rock. He is also heavily influenced by the visual arts, most notably in his classic ';Slow Song for Mark Rothko,' in which he did with words what Rothko did with paint and dye.To breathe and stretch one's arms againto breathe through the mouth to breathe tobreathe through the mouth to utter inthe most quiet way not to whisper not to whisperto breathe through the mouth in the most quiet way tobreathe to sing to breathe to sing to breatheto sing the most quiet way.To sing to light the most quiet light in darknessradiantia radiantiasinging light in darkness.To sing as the host sings in his house.John Taggart is the author of fourteen books of poetry and two books of criticism. He was, for many years, a professor of English and director of the Interdisciplinary Arts Program at Shippensburg University. He lives near Shippensburg, Pennsylvania.
John Taggart 作者作品表

Ireland in Photographs (Paperback)

eBook: Ireland in Photographs (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Is Music: New and Selected Poems (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Is Music: New and Selected Poems (DRM PDF)

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