eBook: Walking with Ramona (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Laura O. Foster 
分類: Children’s & teenage literature studies ,
Travel & holiday guides ,
Western & Pacific Coast states ,
書城編號: 21648418

售價: $140.00

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製造商: Microcosm Publishing
出版日期: 2019/03/12
ISBN: 9781621066934
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This unique travel guide explores the streets, schools, characters, and neighborhoods of author Beverly Cleary’s Portland. With this new and most unusual guidebook, readers can walk the very sidewalks that Beverly walked and climb the very school steps that Beverly climbed. You'll see the grocery parking lot where Ramona got stuck in the mud, the park lawn where Henry Huggins hunted nightcrawlers, and the real Portland street that became Klickitat Street, their fictional home. Beverly Cleary’s Portland was much different than the Portlandia of today. Walking with Ramona brings to life what 1920s and 1930s Portland was like for the “girl from Yamhill” who went on to become an internationally beloved author. Characters like Ramona and Beezus, Henry and Ribsy, and Ellen and Austine come to life on this hour-long walking route through the Northeast Portland neighborhood where Beverly grew up.
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