eBook: High Country (mp3 zips)
電子書格式: mp3 zips
作者: Wayne Barton, Stan Williams, Books In Motion 
書城編號: 21699977

原價: HK$156.00
現售: HK$148.2 節省: HK$7.8

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製造商: Books In Motion
出版日期: 2020/05/24
ISBN: 9781641921992

Adam Hunter has more than his share of battles to fight, and demons to dodge. He's searching the Colorado high country for a killer he's never seen but knows only too well. When Hunter saves the life of ranch foreman Edge Pardee, and the ranch owner asks him to stay on and help, he agrees. But the last thing a man needs when he's stalking a killer is to be stuck in the middle of a range war with responsibilities and a woman he can't resist . . .
Wayne Barton 作者作品表

Beckham: The Making of a Megastar (Paperback)

Rebuilding Manchester United: The DNA and Future of the World's Greatest Football Club (Hardcover)

Duncan Edwards: Eternal: An intimate portrait of Manchester United's lost genius (Hardcover)

Rooney: Teenage Kicks: The Street Footballer Who Ruled The World (Hardcover)

True Genius: George Best (Hardcover)

Que Sera, Sera (Paperback)

Redprint (Paperback)

eBook: Redprint (DRM EPUB)

Too Good to Go Down: The Inside Story of Manchester United's Relegation (Paperback)

Red, White & Blackmore (Hardcover)

You Can't Win Anything with Kids: Eric Cantona & Manchester United's 1995-96 Season (Paperback)

Manchester United 74/75 (Paperback)

Fergies Fledglings (Hardcover)

eBook: Manchester United 2013-14: The Half Term Report (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ride Down The Wind (mp3 zips)

Complete Guide to Chip Carving (Paperback)

Manhunt (B-Mass Market)

Stan Williams 作者作品表

eBook: Complete Works of Stan Williams: Short Stories, Essays, and Poems (DRM EPUB)

Complete Works of Stan Williams: Short Stories, Essays, and Poems (Paperback)

Complete Works of Stan Williams: Short Stories, Essays, and Poems (Hardcover)

eBook: Blanket (DRM EPUB)

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