eBook: Bonnet House: Exploring Nature and Estate Photography (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Larry Singer 
分類: Photographic equipment & techniques  
書城編號: 21738096

原價: HK$259.00
現售: HK$246.05 節省: HK$12.95

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製造商: Amherst Media
出版日期: 2017/06/19
頁數: 128
ISBN: 9781682032503
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Larry Singer's book on the Bonnet House inspires readers to create their own nature photo safaris. Each chapter of the book features examples of the fine art nature photography Larry has produced on the grounds of the Bonnet House Museum and Garden in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Singer explains the techniques he uses to provide image viewers with a sense of location, document the nature found there, and create fine art photographic images.Each chapter features extraordinary examples of fine art nature photography, along with full technical data for each image. Techniques for photographing birds, reptiles, insects, flowers, and miscellaneous plants are each presented in a separate chapter in the book. Singer also explains how quality images can be made using inexpensive equipment-a point that he proves repeatedly in showing readers just how he used his gear to create outstanding images.
Larry Singer 作者作品表

eBook: Rock & Roll: Concert and Backstage Photographs from the 1970s and 1980s (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bonnet House: Exploring Nature and Estate Photography (DRM PDF)

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