eBook: Sustainable, Sun-Grown Cannabis: A Visual Guide to Environmentally Friendly Marijuana (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Justin Cannabis 
書城編號: 21738144

原價: HK$259.00
現售: HK$246.05 節省: HK$12.95

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製造商: Amherst Media
出版日期: 2019/11/15
ISBN: 9781682034217

Justin Cannabis is well-known in the cannabis community as a prolific contributor of images to High Times magazine and several best-selling books on marijuana. In this book, Justin shares his beautiful, sun-filled photographs to provide a behind-the-scenes look at Humboldt's Finest Farms, a collection of growers in Northern California devoted to producing sustainable, sun-grown cannabis crops. Readers will learn the importance of conservation and a host of best practices for a sustainable future for cannabis. Every page is filled with tips ranging from land and soil preparations, irrigation, plant selection, planting methods for optimal results, ideal lighting (sun and solar powered), polyculture and permaculture, training and trellising, natural pest/animal control, and more. With over 150 images that depict soil preparations, growth stages, conservation, harvesting, drying and curing processes, notes on preserving freshness, and more, lovers of home-grown and commercial cannabis fans will find much to love and celebrate in this book.
Justin Cannabis 作者作品表

eBook: Sustainable, Sun-Grown Cannabis: A Visual Guide to Environmentally Friendly Marijuana (DRM EPUB)

Sustainable, Sun-grown Cannabis (Paperback)

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