Something is very wrong with the world you live in. No, it's not the Coronavirus, it's something literally trillions of times bigger. It all started with a metal the color of the Sun when the root of all evil was created, long before the Pyramids were built. It infected entire Earth within millennia and now continues to grow conquering new unimaginable before frontiers - outer space, digital world, and even the quantum realm. However, it won't grow much longer, the event predicted by Nostradamus as well as the Bible shall change everything forever. The question is not: will you be alive to see it? But should you be alive to see it? From the Author who described Coronavirus pandemic back in 2018 in the book Animal Liberation Front: It Only Takes a Spark to End the World, now Igor Kryan predicts a different kind of corona in our nearest future - much bigger, deadlier and very different from the one we just experienced. Although, this new book is giving a glimpse for COVID 19 remedy, that was banned and hidden by all official sources except one Asian country government, it's not about a virus at all. The book about a very different kind of Pandemic - Pandemic of suicides that will follow after cosmic the celestial event of unprecedented magnitude is looming in our nearest future. Much bigger Corona is coming and Igor Kryan warning you once again years in advance: your future ends now, unless you know this vital scientific prediction.