eBook: How to Give Up Shopping (or at Least Cut Down): The Journey Back to Con (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Neradine Tisaj 
分類: Consumer advice ,
Shopping guides  
書城編號: 21764559

原價: HK$78.00
現售: HK$74.1 節省: HK$3.9

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製造商: Hardie Grant Books
出版日期: 2009/01/02
頁數: 122
ISBN: 9781742732299
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Read any finance book and it will tell you to spend less and save more. But a financial planner telling a shopaholic to simply save more money is like a marathon runner telling a morbidly obese person to just exercise more. Where do you start? How do you go from finding refuge in retail therapy to being able to walk past your favourite shop with your savings intact? Stressed, time-poor and addicted to the buzz of a newly purchased item, Neradine Tisaj had a definite shopping problem. But when she decided to try to save, no one could offer her advice that related to her lifestyle. One planner told her to find a husband and live off the one salary. Another told her to stay in each Saturday night and eat boiled eggs. Determined to both enjoy life and save money, Neradine devised a plan to find a way back to conscious, healthy spending - without forgoing a busy social life. Packed with truly helpful tips and cheeky anecdotes, HOW TO GIVE UP SHOPPING is for anyone who would like to save but also live. After all, man (an woman) does not live on boiled egg alone.
Neradine Tisaj 作者作品表

How to Give Up Shopping (or at Least Cut Down) (Paperback)

eBook: How to Give Up Shopping (or at Least Cut Down): The Journey Back to Con (DRM EPUB)

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