eBook: echoes of flight: haiku & senryu (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jane Williams 
分類: Poetry by individual poets  
書城編號: 21769236

售價: $39.00

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製造商: Ginninderra Press
出版日期: 2018/02/28
頁數: 66
ISBN: 9781760415105

';Jane Williams's first collection of haiku delights with all the insight and generosity that her readers admire in her longer works of poetry. In distillations that are alive to the small and fleeting moments of life and the echoes they ring in the heart, Echoes of Flight is joyous and life-affirming and a welcome addition to Australian haiku literature.' Lyn Reeves, Vice President, Australian Haiku Society';Echoes of Flight is a wonderful treasure box of haiku moments experienced through finely tuned poetic senses. These moments are captured in crisp detail, displaying a profound reverence for the world in which the poet so keenly observes. We are richer for seeing things as Jane Williams does.' Ron C. Moss, author of the award-winning haiku collection The Bone Carver
Jane Williams 作者作品表

undercurrents (Paperback)

eBook: undercurrents (DRM EPUB)

The Birth of the Gift Babies (Paperback)

The Literary Women of England (Hardcover)

The Literary Women of England (Paperback)

eBook: Impact of Devolution in Wales: Social Democracy with a Welsh Stripe? (DRM PDF)

Between Breaths (Paperback)

Grandparenting Grandchildren: New knowledge and know-how for grandparenting the under 5's (Large Print 16 Pt Edition) (Paperback)

Grandparenting Grandchildren: New knowledge and know-how for grandparenting the under 5's (Large Print 16 Pt Edition) (Paperback)

Merciful Humility of God (Paperback)

Art of Advent (Paperback)

eBook: echoes of flight: haiku & senryu (DRM EPUB)

The Literary Women of England: Including a Biographical Epitome of All the Most Eminent to the Year 1700; and Sketches of the Poetesses to the Year 1

eBook: Parts of the Main (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Begging the Question (DRM EPUB)

Why Did Jesus Have to Die? (Paperback)

Training for Equestrian Performance (Hardcover)

Days Like These: New and Selected Poems 1998-2013 (Paperback)

Music and the Social Model (Paperback)

eBook: United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Wales (DRM EPUB)

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