eBook: Marketing of Hospitality Services (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Abhishek Singh 
分類: Economics, finance, business & management  
書城編號: 21777788

原價: HK$2080.00
現售: HK$1976 節省: HK$104

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製造商: Society Publishing
出版日期: 2019/01/30
頁數: 277
ISBN: 9781774070116

This introductory textbook shows you how to apply the principlesof marketing within the hospitality industry. The book empowersthe hospitality education sector on the subject of salesand marketing of hospitality products and services. Covering abroad range of topics and perspectives such as customer satisfaction,healthcare service, and microfinance, this book is ideallydesigned for students, academics, practitioners, and professionalsseeking information on this topic.
Abhishek Singh 作者作品表

"The Alchemy of Being Limitless": "15 Principles to Unlock Limitless Joyful Living and Mastering the Art of Personal Transformation" (Paperback)

Eternal Verses of the Soul: A Collection of Love Poems (Paperback)

Nanopriming Approach to Sustainable Agriculture (Paperback)

Essential Python for Machine Learning (Paperback)

Mastering PostgreSQL with Python Volume 1: A Comprehensive Guide (Paperback)

Nanopriming Approach to Sustainable Agriculture (Hardcover)

Master Python Using Version 3.11: Learn Python Like Never Before (Paperback)

Purnam: Stories & Wisdom of the Feminine Divine (Hardcover)

Wirksamkeit von pflanzlichen und biologischen Wirkstoffen gegen die Kraut- und Knollenfäule der Mungbohne (Paperback)

Efficacia di prodotti botanici e bioagenti contro la peronospora del fagiolo mungo (Paperback)

Efficacité des plantes et des bioagents contre la brûlure de la toile du haricot mungo. (Paperback)

Eficácia dos Botânicos e Bioagentes contra o flagelo da web do Mungbean (Paperback)

Master Python Programming: Learn Python Like Never Before (Volume 1) (Paperback)

Examen de la fistule oro-anthale (Paperback)

Revisão da Fístula Oro-Antral (Paperback)

Überprüfung der Oro-Antral-Fistel (Paperback)

Revisione della fistola oro-antrale (Paperback)

Ever a Never After (Paperback)

Namaha - Stories from the Land of Gods and Goddesses: Illustrated Stories Hardcover Edition Special Print (Hardcover)

eBook: Marketing of Hospitality Services (DRM PDF)

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