eBook: Quality Assurance in Higher Education (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Emelyn Cereno Wagan 
分類: Education  
書城編號: 21777821

原價: HK$2145.00
現售: HK$2037.75 節省: HK$107.25

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製造商: Society Publishing
出版日期: 2019/01/30
頁數: 273
ISBN: 9781774070444

Quality Assurance in Higher Education examines various aspects of higher education and the history of quality assessmentin the same field. It includes the definition of quality assessmentand guidelines that are an indispensable part of quality assessment.Provide the reader with the insights into the developmentof higher education taking place since past few years, son as tounderstand the importance of quality assurance and strategiesused to perform such assessments.
Emelyn Cereno Wagan 作者作品表

eBook: Special Education Tools, Concepts and Design for Children in Need (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychopathology at school: Theorizing mental disorders in education (DRM PDF)

Special Education Tools, Concepts and Design for Children in Need (Hardcover)

Psychopathology at School: Theorizing Mental Disorders in Education (Hardcover)

Adult Education and Second Chances (Hardcover)

The Role of Secondary Education in Sustainable Development (Hardcover)

eBook: Western Philosophy of Education (DRM PDF)

eBook: Online Education as the Future: Finding new ways to teach and learn in the new age (DRM PDF)

eBook: Teaching and Supporting Adult Learners (DRM PDF)

eBook: Equality and Diversity in Further Education (DRM PDF)

eBook: Evidence based teaching (DRM PDF)

eBook: Quality Assurance in Higher Education (DRM PDF)

eBook: Advanced Teaching Methods and Curriculum (DRM PDF)

eBook: Teaching in Secondary Schools: Meeting the challenges of Today's Adolescents (DRM PDF)

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